As Dr Seuss says oh the things you will see

Well my freinds this is a crazy and screwed up world we live in . And as i spend my working life as a long haul driver i get to see a side of the world most of you cant see. I see all the citys in North America from the back side. Not the pretty side you see on tv but the real city hiding in the back streets and industrial parks. The true underbelly of the place what i like to call the swub. That means the soft white underbelly. So come along and see our world and the many characters that are hiding in plain site on your highways and roads. my fellow drivers and the supporting staff that keeps them going.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Parowan ut

Heading north into winter the fates have turned against me. My winter sunburn will fade fast in Winnipeg but there is nothing i can do about it. The big brain said to go there so i am going. I was hoping for a winter without winter but such is life. The day i get home to Sweet pea cant come too soon but it always seems to be pushed back. I always try too tell myself that just makes the reunion sweeter and that's how i cope. That and screaming at the top of my lungs that the world sucks. That is a great stress reliever and it makes me feel good. Well that's all i am pooped and need sleep goodnight. And a picture of cinnamon buns to warm me up on this frigid night. Man i could go for one

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